The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the presence of Service Animals or Assistive Animals (aka Emotional Support Animals) at Georgia State University (“university”). The university is committed to providing services and accommodations to students with disabilities. The university recognizes that a student may require either a Service Animal or an Assistive Animal. The university’s Access and Accommodations Center (“AACE”) is the office primarily responsible for managing the presence of Service Animals and Assistive Animals of students in non-public areas of campus and University Housing. AACE will engage in an interactive dialogue for individualized consideration of each student request. This policy is subject to change as circumstances require. Note that identification of an unauthorized animal within University Housing will result in a $300 fine, plus $25 each day the animal remains on-site without authorization.
Part I: Definitions
Service Animal: A dog or miniature horse that is specifically trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability, and meets the definition of "service animal" under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). The work or tasks performed must be directly related to the individual's disability. The crime deterrent effects of an animal's presence and the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort or companionship (e.g. Assistive Animals) do not constitute work or tasks for purposes of this definition. Under the ADA, service animals-in-training are not considered Service Animals.
Assistive (or Emotional Support) Animal: Any animal that provides emotional support or alleviates one or more of the identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability. An Assistive Animal does not require specialized training and is not species-specific. Generally, only domesticated animals that are commonly kept in households are eligible to serve as Assistive Animals. Assistive Animals must meet the definition outlined in the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and are only allowed as an accommodation within University Housing.
Handler: A student with a disability who receives assistance from a Service Animal or a personal care attendant who handles the Service Animal for a student with a disability, or a student trainer of a Service Animal in Training.
Owner: A student with a disability who has been approved by AACE to have an Assistive (or Emotional Support) Animal in University housing.
University Housing: All housing managed, controlled or owned by the university.
Part II: General Rules Pertaining to Service Animals & Assistance Animals on Campus
Access to Campus Areas
- Food preparation areas,
- Animal research facilities and grounds,
- Medically sensitive patient and clinic areas, and
- Biologically sensitive or hazardous research sites.
If a Service Animal is restricted from certain areas, the Handler must be provided equivalent accommodations provided by the Service Animal. Access and Accommodations (AACE) will evaluate and coordinate reasonable accommodations in this circumstance.
Non-student Handlers with Service Animals visiting the university are welcome in all areas open to the general public, including specific events held in reserved classrooms or lecture halls.
Owners of an Assistive Animal living in University Housing are allowed to have their Assistive Animal in their assigned rooms and in certain areas of their specific University Housing building, such as hallways, elevators and stairwells. Owners may not take Assistive Animals approved solely as a housing accommodation into other student rooms, other residence halls (not assigned to), dining centers or any other campus building (e.g. classroom, lecture hall, recreation center, etc.). Assistive Animals are allowed ONLY in University Housing.
General Responsibilities of Handlers & Owners in University Housing
Handlers and Owners with Service Animals or Assistive Animals living in University Housing may not transfer daily care responsibilities for their Service Animal or Assistive Animal to another person. Such care includes feeding, exercising/walking, waste clean-up and supervision of the Service Animal or Assistive Animal outside of the Handler or Owner’s assigned residence hall room. The common area of the suite or apartment is outside the Handler or Owner’s assigned private room and therefore requires the Handler or Owner to supervise their Service Animal or Assistive Animal in that area.
Overnight care of the Service Animal or Assistive Animal in University Housing by another person in the absence of the Handler or Owner is prohibited. The Service Animal or Assistive Animal must be taken out of University Housing whenever the Handler or Owner does not remain overnight in their assigned University Housing room, including, but not limited to, the Handler or Owner’s weekend travel plans or mid-semester breaks and all other designated periods when students leave University Housing overnight.
The university may charge a Handler or Owner for any damage caused by their Service Animal or Assistive Animal beyond reasonable wear and tear to the same extent that other individuals are charged for damages. The Handler or Owner’s living accommodations in University Housing may be inspected for fleas, ticks or other pests, if necessary, as part of the university’s standard or routine inspections. If fleas, ticks or other pests are detected through inspection, the residence will be treated by a university-approved pest control service. The Handler or Owner will be billed for the expense of any pest treatment above and beyond standard pest management in the residence halls. The university reserves the right to bill the Handler or Owner’s account for unmet obligations under this provision.
Handlers and Owners are expected to convey the presence of a Service Animal or Assistive Animal to current or future roommate(s) to facilitate a discussion regarding the animal.
Emergency Situations
Service Animal & Assistance Animal Waste Clean-Up
- Outdoor Waste: Cleaning up after the Service Animal or Assistive Animal is the sole responsibility of the Handler or Owner. The Handler or Owner must abide by the following guidelines:
- Always take the Service Animal or Assistive Animal to an appropriate, designated area for it to relieve itself.
- Always carry equipment sufficient to clean up the Service Animal or Assistive Animal’s feces whenever the animal is outdoors on campus.
- Properly dispose of outdoor waste in appropriate containers.
- Contact designated staff if arrangements are needed to assist with clean up. Any cost incurred for doing so is the sole responsibility of the Handler or Owner.
- A fine of $75 per occurrence will be assessed to Handlers/Owners who fail to dispose of their animal’s waste properly.
- Indoor Waste: Any animal waste inside the residential building must be removed immediately and the area cleaned by the Handler/Owner. The Handler/Owner is to arrange for immediate removal of fecal matter or another animal waste if unable to perform the task. Spill kits are available at the community desks for immediate assistance. The Handler/Owner is responsible for submitting a Maintenance Request, and facilities staff will follow up the next business day.
Conflicting Disabilities
Students requesting animal-related allergy disability accommodations should contact AACE.
Health & Safety Requirements of Service Animals & Assistive Animals
Updated health and safety forms are required to be submitted each year if a Service Animal or Assistive Animal is returning to University Housing. AACE and University Housing will provide new forms as part of the renewal process. All health and safety forms should be submitted before moving back into University Housing for a new academic year and are available from AACE in person or by contacting the office at 404-413-1560 and/or email [email protected] or from University Housing in person or by contacting the office at 404-413-1800 and/or email [email protected].
Part III: Service Animals
Inquiries Regarding Service Animals
The university will not ask about the nature or extent of a person’s disability but may make the following inquiries to determine whether an animal qualifies as a Service Animal:
- Is the animal required because of a disability?
- What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?
The university cannot require documentation of proof that the Service Animal has been certified, trained or licensed as a Service Animal. Generally, the University may not make any inquiries about a Service Animal when it is readily apparent that the animal is trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability (e.g., the dog is observed guiding an individual who is blind or has low vision, pulling a person's wheelchair or aiding with stability or balance to an individual with an observable mobility disability).
AACE can provide resources to assist in addressing inquiries from faculty and staff about Service Animals. A Handler may meet with AACE if they wish to discuss specific concerns.
Specific questions related to the use of Service Animals on the University’s campus or in University Housing by employees should be directed to University Human Resources at 404-413-3330.
Notice Requirement to have a Service Animal in University Housing
If the animal meets the definition of a Service Animal, AACE will:
- Discuss and review restrictions on animal control, waste clean-up and other responsibilities;
- Help the student complete the required University Housing steps; and
- Provide the Handler with the required health and safety forms.
All Handlers who make a formal request to have a Service Animal in University Housing must have a current housing placement for the term (building and room number) or have applied to University Housing for the upcoming term. AACE cannot review a housing request for a Service Animal if neither one of these conditions is met.
After the Handler has met with AACE and completed the required paperwork, AACE will notify the Handler and University Housing by email that the Service Animal has been approved to reside in University Housing.
Handlers with a Service Animal in University Housing are required to maintain all legally mandated licenses for the Service Animal and ensure they are kept current. The Handler must provide a copy of the license(s) to the university upon request. *NOTE: Handler is not required to have or keep evidence that their Service Animal is or has been trained to be a service animal.
The Handler is allowed to keep their Service Animal if they reside in University Housing for the designated term. The Handler must notify AACE in writing at [email protected] and [email protected] if the Handler no longer has the Service Animal, the Handler leaves University Housing or the Handler replaces their Service Animal.
Renewal of Service Animal Housing Approval
Responsibilities of Handlers
- Service Animal Control: The Service Animal must always respond to voice or hand commands and be under the full control of the Handler. Consistent with applicable federal and state laws, a Service Animal should be always on a leash or harness, unless the Handler’s disability prohibits the use of a leash or harness, or the use of a leash or harness would interfere with the Service Animal’s safe, effective performance of required work or tasks. In this case, the Service Animal must be under the effective control of the Handler by voice control, hand signals or other effective means. Any Handler approved to have a Service Animal in University Housing must meet the requirements for animal health and behavior set forth in this policy, in addition to those provided for in their Housing Agreement and the Service/Assistive Animal Residential Contract.
- Service Animal Etiquette: Service Animal should be generally unobtrusive to other individuals and to the university’s learning, living and working environments unless it is part of the service, work or task that is being provided to the Handler. Thus, the Handler must ensure that the Service Animal does not:
- Actively seek the attention of other people.
- Sniff people, dining tables, food service bars or the personal belongings of others.
- Display any behaviors or noises that are disruptive to others unless it is part of the service, work or task that is being provided to the Handler.
- Block an aisle or passageway for emergency/fire egress.
- Cause physical harm to humans or other animals.
- Destroy property of the university, staff, faculty or other students.
Each Handler is responsible for any damage or injuries caused by their Service Animal. Accordingly, Handlers must take appropriate precautions to prevent property damage or injury. The cost of care, arrangements and responsibilities for the well-being of a Service Animal are always the sole responsibility of the Handler.
Handlers residing in University Housing must maintain a healthy and clean living environment for their Service Animal. Any environment or noise issues brought to the Handler from University Housing staff or other University officials must be addressed immediately by the Handler.
Removal of Service Animal
- Out of Control Service Animal: A Service Animal that is out of control and the Handler does not take effective action to control it. If the improper behavior happens repeatedly, the Handler may be prohibited from bringing the Service Animal into any university facility until the Handler can demonstrate that they have taken significant steps to mitigate the improper behavior.
- Non-housebroken Service Animal: A Service Animal that is not housebroken.
- Direct Threat: A Service Animal that is a substantial and direct threat to the health and safety of individuals. This may occur because of a very ill animal, a substantial lack of cleanliness of the animal or the presence of an animal in a sensitive area like a medical facility, certain laboratories or mechanical or industrial areas.
- The university will determine whether a Service Animal must be removed on a case-by-case basis. When a Service Animal is removed, AACE will work with the Handler to find alternative opportunities to participate in the service, program or activity without having the Service Animal on the premises.
Public Etiquette towards Service Animals
- Petting a Service Animal, as it may distract them from the task at hand.
- Feeding a Service Animal.
- Deliberately startling a Service Animal.
- Separating or attempting to separate a Handler from their Service Animal.
Part IV: Assistive Animals (aka Emotional Support Animals)
While it is university policy that pets are not permitted in University Housing, the university will consider a request by a student with a disability to have an Assistive Animal (aka Emotional Support Animal) in University Housing as a reasonable accommodation.
Request Procedures for Approval to have an Assistive Animal in University Housing
All students who make a request for an Assistive Animal must have a current housing placement for the term (building and room number) or have applied to University Housing for the upcoming term. AACE cannot review a request for an Assistive Animal if neither one of these conditions is met.
AACE will individually review each student’s request. AACE reserves the right to request additional supporting documentation and/or engage in further communication with the student to obtain any information needed to make an appropriate determination regarding the student’s request.
If AACE approves the student’s request to have an Assistive Animal in University Housing as a reasonable accommodation, the Owner will then:
- Unless waived by AACE, schedule a meeting with AACE to discuss restrictions on access to non-public areas of campus, animal control, waste clean-up and other responsibilities.
- Complete any necessary forms.
- Schedule a meeting with the University Housing accommodations coordinator to review and sign the Service/Assistive Animal Residential Contract.
If the student has roommates, suitemates, or housemates, all must sign the Assistive Animal Roommate Acknowledgement indicating any medical concerns they may have related to living with an Assistive Animal, as well as their understanding of the Assistive Animal policy. If one or more roommates, suitemates, or housemates has medical concerns that would limit their ability to live with an Assistive Animal, Access and Accommodations and University Housing will engage in an interactive process with the student and roommate(s) to try to find a housing solution which will meet everyone's needs. It is highly recommended that the student and their roommates, suitemates or housemates discuss in detail the student's desire to apply for an Assistive Animal and reach an agreement prior to the student beginning the approval process.
After the Owner has completed the required paperwork and met with both AACE and University Housing, AACE and University Housing will each notify the Owner by email if the Assistive Animal has been approved or declined.
Emotional distress resulting from having to give up an animal because of a “no pets” policy does not qualify a student for a disability accommodation. Any student who brings a pet into University Housing in violation of the housing pet policy before receiving written approval from AACE to have an Assistive Animal is in violation of the “no pets policy,” as stated in the University Housing Community Living Guide and will be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students and will be subject to a fine of $300 (plus $25/day per day the animal remains).
AACE does not control approvals for Assistive Animals in non-University housing. Students in non-University housing should contact their landlord for approval.
Term of Approval for Assistive Animal
Owners who replace their Assistive Animal (i.e., death, age, etc.) should contact AACE to complete new forms. Once all the required paperwork is completed, AACE will notify the Owner and University Housing in writing that the new Assistive Animal has been approved.
Renewal of Assistive Animal Approval
Responsibilities of Owners
An Assistive Animal must be contained within the Owner’s assigned room or common areas of their specific University Housing room assignment, except when the Owner must take their animal outside for natural relief. The Owner is responsible for ensuring that the Assistive Animal is contained in the Owner’s assigned room when the Owner is not present. Owners must maintain a healthy and clean-living environment for their Assistive Animal. Any environment or noise issues brought to the Owner by University Housing staff must be addressed immediately by the Owner.
When the Assistive Animal is outside the Owner’s assigned room, it must be in an animal carrier or controlled by leash or harness. No Owner shall permit their Assistive Animal to run loose or be at large on university premises. If an Assistive Animal is found running at large, the Assistive Animal is subject to capture, confinement and immediate removal from University Housing.
Owners must decline all invitations from others to take their Assistive Animal into non-authorized rooms or residence halls. Owners must also decline all invitations to take their Assistive Animal into non-public campus areas, including invitations from faculty to bring the Assistive Animal to class lectures or labs.
Removal of an Assistance Animal
- Out of Control Assistive Animal: An Assistive Animal that is out of control and the Owner does not take effective action to control it. If the improper behavior happens repeatedly, the Owner may be prohibited from keeping the Assistive Animal in University Housing until the Owner can demonstrate that they have taken significant steps to mitigate the improper behavior.
- Unreasonable Disruptions: An Assistive Animal whose behavior, noise (including when the Owner is not present), odor and waste exceeds reasonable standards for a well-behaved animal and/or creates unreasonable disruptions for other residents.
- Poor Health & Wellness: An Assistive Animal must be housebroken, spayed or neutered, in good general health and generally well-behaved. The Owner may be directed to remove the Assistive Animal if the Owner repeatedly fails to maintain a clean, healthy environment for it.
- Direct Threat: An Assistive Animal that is a substantial and direct threat to the health and safety of individuals. This may occur because of a very ill animal, threatening or aggressive behavior of the animal or a substantial lack of cleanliness of the animal.
Part V: Grievances
Any Handler or Owner who believes that an accommodation decision was the result of procedural error, substantive error or bias may file a Disability Accommodation Appeal. Handlers or Owners who believe that they have been discriminated against on the basis of disability should contact the University’s ADA/Section 504 Coordinator at [email protected] or submit an incident report to Equity & Civil Rights Compliance.
Part VI: Student Conduct Referral Process
A Handler or Owner who fails to meet or violates the applicable rules and requirements of this policy may be referred to the office of the Dean of Students for discipline, up to and including removal from University Housing and/or dismissal.
Contact Us
University Housing Central Office
75 Piedmont Ave. NE, Suite 110
Atlanta, GA 30303
Office Hours
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Tel: 404-413-1800
Fax: 404-413-1803
Email: [email protected]