Residents are responsible for removing all trash from their bedroom and apartment. All reasonably sized trash items may be placed in the trash chutes that are located in the trash rooms on each floor, taken to the bin at the end of the east hallway in Piedmont Central across from the trash chute, and taken to the dumpster at Piedmont North. Bags larger than kitchen size will not fit down trash chutes. Items that may start a fire should never be disposed of in the trash chute (i.e., flammable liquids, etc.). If the chute is clogged or inoperable, do not put additional trash in the chute; report problems to the community desk.
Dispose of larger trash items (cardboard boxes, large pizza boxes, etc.) in the dumpsters located at P3 in the Commons parking deck, at the loading dock at the Lofts, and at the outdoor dumpsters located in the rear areas of Patton Hall and Greek Housing. At Piedmont North, all trash should be carried to the compactor outside of the building.
During move-in and move-out, the trash chute doors may be locked. This gives us a chance to ensure the chutes do not become clogged by the volume of items being sent to the trash bins. During those times communities will have large dumpsters accessible to use.