There are multiple ways to get involved with Georgia State University Housing. We offer student leadership opportunities such as RHA, Area/Hall Council, NRHH, RAs, LCAs, and Panther L.E.A.P.
Residence Hall Association (RHA)
RHA is a traditional and popular organization present on many college and university campuses. RHA serves as the student government over Georgia State University Housing and exists to represent all GSU students living on campus. RHA is comprised of the RHA Executive Board which serves as the leadership for the Hall Councils.
Community Councils
Hall Councils are governing sub-bodies representing the University Lofts, Patton Hall, Greek Housing, the University Commons, Piedmont Central, and Piedmont North. Each Area/Hall Council has its own executive board. Elections for Area/Hall Council occur in the early part of the fall semester. Officers are elected for each residence hall on campus. Area/Hall Councils are linked closely with RHA, which is the overall student legislative body for University Housing. Both RHA and the Area/Hall Councils plan events for residents as well address needs and concerns for those living on campus.
National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH)
A chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary was established in March 1999 to recognize those students living in University Housing who have shown outstanding service and leadership in the residential community. A current NRHH member, SGA member, RHA member, University Housing staff member, and NRHH alumni can nominate residents for membership. NRHH also sponsors programs at the residence halls.
Resident Assistants (RAs)
RAs are trained student staff members who serve as leaders in the residence halls and on campus. They have learned the critical path to being successful and willing to share what they know. Some RAs claim they use the position to “give back” to the campus. They serve as positive role models in the residential community and make themselves available for assistance.
Learning Community Assistants (LCAs)
LCAs are trained student staff members who focus on program development for our Living-Learning Communities (LLCs). They work closely with the LLC RAs to provide an enhanced and engaging experience for our LLC residents.
Panther L.E.A.P. (Leadership, Engagement, Achievement, Pride)
The Panther L.E.A.P. leadership program fosters the leadership development journey of residential students through the incorporation of the Social Change Model. Through the program, residential students will learn the fundamental values of the Social Change Model, build personal leadership skills, gain an understanding of being a change agent, and become more committed to civic engagement opportunities within the GSU and greater Atlanta community. The program provides participants with the opportunity to build mentoring relationships with GSU professional staff and peer mentors. Are you ready to L.E.A.P. into leadership?