In the event of an emergency or drill which requires you to evacuate the residence halls, an audible alarm will sound with flashing lights and a voice advising residents to exit the residence hall. Every alarm requires prompt evacuation; you must leave your residence hall immediately. When evacuating, proceed to the nearest exit and go to the designated evacuation area noted below, and stand clear of all entrance and exit doors. A university official will notify you when it is safe to reenter the residence hall. Failure to evacuate the residence hall during an alarm is a violation of the Code and will result in disciplinary action.
Persons with Disabilities may need assistance in the event of a fire or emergency requiring evacuation. When it makes sense to do so, persons with disabilities should wait in the stairwell for rescue workers to assist. If University officials are not available to assist, volunteers may be necessary. The person with the disability knows how to best be assisted so persons volunteering assistance should ask for instructions on how to help.