Your access card is for your personal use only and should never be loaned to anyone. You must carry your access card at all times. If your card is not granting access to your authorized entry points, report the problem to the community desk. Misplaced or lost access cards must immediately be reported to the community desk. The card will be deactivated and replaced for the security of all residents. Failure to report a lost card that is used to illegally enter a residence hall will result in judicial action. The fee for a replacement access card $35.
Residents are issued a key that will open the apartment front door and their assigned bedroom door. All residents are expected to have their picture identification, keys and access cards with them at all times. Keys are only issued to the resident of that specific room. No one will be granted access to another resident’s room for any reason. Residents should not lend or give their keys to anyone. The replacement fee for a lost key and lock re-core is $75. A mailbox key will be issued with your apartment key. Upon check-out, you must turn in your mailbox key. The replacement for a lost mailbox key and lock re-core is $50.
In the event of a misplaced or lost key, residents should go to the community desk to check-out a loaner key. To check-out a key, the resident must have a picture identification card. A loaner key will be issued for a maximum of 24 hours and when issued, must be returned by 9:00 a.m. the following day. Residents may checkout a loaner key three times an academic year at no cost. All subsequent loaner keys will have a service charge of $50. A loaner key is considered lost if it is not returned in 24 hours, at which time a re-core work request will be issued and the resident’s student account will be charged $75 and issued a new key.
TIP: If you drop your keys down an elevator shaft after hours, we will retrieve your keys for you the next business day. Let the community desk know your situation and submit an online maintenance request.
TIP: If your keys are stolen, you must report this to the community desk immediately. You will be encouraged to file a police report.